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Programming Course

(Chinese-Japanese bilingual)

In order to promote ICT education, the MEXT is distributing tablets to students at public schools throughout Japan under the GIGA school concept, and is also promoting the development of high-speed networks. The hardware is almost completely available. However, there is a tendency that students even don't touch the tablet or only play games. Therefore, we take advantage of our strength in teaching students the basic knowledge of scratch programming developed by MIT, United States. Students can learn how to make programs by reproducing music and creating stories while strengthening their Japanese and Chinese by making full use of an efficient language learning method called CLIC. It is truly a unique education that kills two birds with one stone.

Furthermore, students can also understand fractions and decimals through musical notes and rhythm. The Scratch programming code uses decimals instead of fractions, so learning fractions, decimals and conversions is natural. In that sense, it will become to kill three birds with one stone.

Class time: Every Saturday morning 10:30-11:30

       (In case of temporary change, timetable modified)

Participant: Elementary and junior high school students (Capacity: 6)

​Textbook: Edited textbook for programming class

                 (Please bring your own tablet)

Tuition Fee: 20,000 yen/month (incl. consumption tax and textbook)

​Online meeting: Zoom:4599447767 or VooV:7059314463(Tencent Meeting)

Programming Presentation Square

proguraming schedule.png

Programmed music "I love you China"

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